If you follow us on Twitter, you know that we share daily historical trivia about what happened on that day in Boston history through the years. What’s that? You don’t follow @HUBhistory on Twitter? You should start.) I have a real job, so I can’t troll through the historical sources every day to find these tidbits. Instead, I let my Twitter archive do the work for me, building a giant chronological spreadsheet of Boston trivia that I can quickly check each day. As I find and tweet new resources, the spreadsheet grows each year.
Around the first week of January each year, I download my archive and convert it into a spreadsheet so I have an updated list. If you have chronological content in Twitter, you might find this process useful, too. (And even if you don’t, it can’t hurt to have a backup of your tweets that’s easy to use.) Continue reading New Year, New… Twitter Archive?